Welcome to the Evelyn City Neighborhood

Evelyn City is a subdivision of a large Tampa neighborhood known as Old Seminole Heights and was initially developed in the early 1900s. For the purposes of this blog, the boundaries will be: the Hillsborough River to the north, 275 to the West, 22nd Street to the East and Sligh Ave to the South.
There are many issues that need to be addressed and resolved in the area, however I feel that this is a great neighborhood to live in. We have a wonderful diversity of homes, people, parks, and businesses.

Sunday, March 08, 2009

How many of you got caught by the time change this morning? I personally love having light later in the evening and look forward to spending the evenings outside. A word of caution for tomorrow morning, drive safely. Statically the Monday morning after the time change is a high accident period. There will be a lot of sleepy drivers on the road, so stay alert and use extra caution.

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