Welcome to the Evelyn City Neighborhood

Evelyn City is a subdivision of a large Tampa neighborhood known as Old Seminole Heights and was initially developed in the early 1900s. For the purposes of this blog, the boundaries will be: the Hillsborough River to the north, 275 to the West, 22nd Street to the East and Sligh Ave to the South.
There are many issues that need to be addressed and resolved in the area, however I feel that this is a great neighborhood to live in. We have a wonderful diversity of homes, people, parks, and businesses.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Old Seminole Heights Neighborhood Association elections occur Tuesday, October 27. Like many other things this past year, the current board has decided, on their own without input from the membership, to hire an outside entity to handle the election. The rumored cost is approx $1,700. This is the latest in a list of expenses that this board has decided to approve without regards to the membership and without divulging expenditures to members that request them. (in violation to State law) I know that many of you have chosen not to renew your membership with the association; however I would ask that you do one of the following:

1. Renew you membership and vote in a completely different board. (Vote 4 the Other Guy)


2. Consider splitting off from the Old Seminole Heights Neighborhood Association and forming our own neighborhood association that would focus on the issues that affect our area.

If you choose #1, know that Kimberly Overman and Stuart Hess are both running for Trustee positions. They both live north of Sligh. As soon as their bios are complete, I will post them here. I will also post bios of other candidates that I feel would serve the neighborhood in a manner that is respectful to the residents.


Rick said...

If the outside vendor helps restore integrity to the election process it will be money well spent.

It is a chance to fix things. We need to turnout members who never vote. We need to sign up neighbors who have never joined.

--Rick Fifer

Anonymous said...

one way or the other, we need an association that serves the needs of the residents. This current board has done nothing to show they care about anyone but themselves.

Anonymous said...

Rick, While there are good points to the electronic voting, there are also serious issues with this to. According to the bylaws, Article V, "The election of Officers shall be held at the fourth quarterly membership", here the operative word is at,not by. Next same article, "Voting: Voting shall be by written ballot or absentee ballot as provided for by the elections committee." Nothing is said about electronic. Next, "the elections committee shall prepare and mail to all members a sample ballot containing the names of all candidates for office, with a space for write-in votes for each office being voted on." Electronic voting does not allow for write in candidates. I don't believe that bylaws are such that you can pick and choose which ones you want to follow. Lastly this change means that most of the members would never meet a candidate before they choose to vote. Tell me. Who does this favor?
Color me, not ready yet.

Anonymous said...

>> Vote 4 the Other Guy <<

Vote to Bring back Inclusion & Unity
Vote to Bring back our Membership Voice
Vote to Bring back Transparency & Accountability

>> Say NO to the Status Quo <<

Chess said...

The 'Other Guy Candidates':

Bill Duvall for President - past OSHNA President and familiar with all aspects of City & Hillsborough County Government

Wally Perice for Vice President - Definitely much needed new blood

Allan Weistock for Treasurer - CPA and new to the board. Has been actively involved with Crime Prevention as well.

Gail Davis for Secretary - Has lived in the neighborhood for years, is passionate about the neighborhood and takes great minutes.

Chess said...

You can view the Questions that have been asked of the candidates at: http://www.seminoleheightsblog.com/

Some have also been posted on the OSHNA website.

If you need "Vote 4 the Other Guy" signs, please let me know.

Anonymous said...

Anon 4:08: I understand the issue about "violating the by-laws". However, the By-Laws were written in the 80's when electronic voting didn't even exist. If you read the By-Laws you quoted they say they will provide a "sample ballot" but that "Sample Ballot" has been treated as an absentee ballot for many, many years. Maybe we ought to complain about that too. AND, the ballot provided the night of the elections hasn't been identical to the "sample ballot" in forever. So, maybe we ought to invalidate every vote for the last 5 years at least and maybe longer.

Do not get me wrong. I'm voting for the Other Guy. I am not happy with most of what the current board has done, but I'm not sure your reasons for disapproving of the electronic voting are valid ones.

Susan Long

Anonymous said...

Electronic voting means ballots are out today. The full slate of candidates only came out 2 weeks ago or less. The current board has known when the ballots would be out but the newcomers did not. Since the current board is campaigning, and has been doing so for a long time, that leaves the other guys with almost no time to campaign. As a result, I am not happy with the current elections.