Welcome to the Evelyn City Neighborhood

Evelyn City is a subdivision of a large Tampa neighborhood known as Old Seminole Heights and was initially developed in the early 1900s. For the purposes of this blog, the boundaries will be: the Hillsborough River to the north, 275 to the West, 22nd Street to the East and Sligh Ave to the South.
There are many issues that need to be addressed and resolved in the area, however I feel that this is a great neighborhood to live in. We have a wonderful diversity of homes, people, parks, and businesses.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Counting Volunteer Hours - Jeff Harmon, President of OSHNA, announced at this past week's Board meeting that he wants everyone to log their volunteer hours and report them back to him. One of the reasons given for capturing this information was for future grant writing endeavors. That would be the only justification that OSHNA should use to tout the hours spent by the residents on neighborhood activities. Why on earth would OSHNA need to puff itself up for any other purpose?

Regardless, I caution anyone from providing this information to OSHNA. Please be aware that this information could be used against you in legal cases concerning your ability to maintain your lifestyle. Supplying any of your volunteer hours to OSHNA makes it part of public record and available to anyone that requests it.

I would rather see OSHNA collect this data in a more general way. For instance counting the number of volunteers that work the Book Sale and then multiplying that number by some minimum numbers of hours.


Anonymous said...

Can I count the hours I spend counting hours? I don't think so>

Anonymous said...

I proposed the project of collecting information on volunteer hours and I apologize for our not having made it clear that we plan to collect them exactly as Christie outlined in her last paragraph. That is, by committee or project, not by the individual person.

Bill Hunter

Chess said...

Thank you for clarifying this, it makes sense. Hopefully that is the direction the board follows.