Welcome to the Evelyn City Neighborhood

Evelyn City is a subdivision of a large Tampa neighborhood known as Old Seminole Heights and was initially developed in the early 1900s. For the purposes of this blog, the boundaries will be: the Hillsborough River to the north, 275 to the West, 22nd Street to the East and Sligh Ave to the South.
There are many issues that need to be addressed and resolved in the area, however I feel that this is a great neighborhood to live in. We have a wonderful diversity of homes, people, parks, and businesses.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Park Circle Resident succumbs to cancer. Many of us have wondered what was taking so long to complete the house next to the park at Park Circle. Susan Hussey and her husband, Aubrey Hampton, bought the home in 2003 and had great plans to rehab it. Shortly after purchasing the home, Susan was diagnosed with cancer. Somehow they managed to mostly finish the project last year, but never had the opportunity to have the open house I heard they wanted to have. In addition to her husband, Susan leaves behind a six year old son, Trevor.

I had never met Susan, but was informed about their difficulties late last year. The following link is from her theater website and provides information about the funeral and memorial. http://www.gorilla-theatre.com/susan_hussey_2009.php

If you know of some other way this neighborhood can assist this family, please let me know.

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